List of 20 Eclipse Shortcuts
Ctrl + 3
If you want to find a any file in the project then use this shortcut to bring up the quick access box, containing files, views and commands as you are searching for them.
Ctrl + Shift + G
Finds references to a variable throughout the workspace.
Ctrl + F8
To shift between perspectives (Java, Debug, DDMS) quickly.
Ctrl + F11
Run last launched application.
Ctrl + Space
If you forget a function, variable or class name, just type a couple of letters and hit this shortcut toautocomplete with suggestions. It also generates conditional statements after matching with starting words.
Eclipse Shortcuts 6: Ctrl + O
Displays all the methods and variables as well as methods available in the current class which is selected.
Eclipse Shortcuts 7: Ctrl + Shift + O
If you want to organize imports then use this shortcut, it will automatically import missing packages.
Eclipse Shortcuts 8: Ctrl + Shift + F
A great shortcut for all messy programmers. This shortcut automatically formats your code, according to predefined formatting rules set in the IDE.
Eclipse Shortcuts 9: Ctrl + Shift + P
This shortcut is useful for finding a matching bracket for the current body of code. And really helpful in figuring out missing bracket syntax issues.
Eclipse Shortcuts 10: Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn
Using this shortcut you can toggle between editor views to switch faster between different classes user is working on.
Eclipse Shortcuts 11: Alt + Shift + Z
Surround a block of code with a try/catch clause.
Eclipse Shortcuts 12: Alt + Shift + R
Use this shortcut to rename any variable, method or class and Eclipse will automatically renames all references.
Eclipse Shortcuts 13: Alt + Shift + L
Use this shortcut to highlight an expression commonly used in your program and extract it as a variable.
Eclipse Shortcuts 14: Ctrl + 1
If Eclipse shows an error then use his shortcut this to quickly solve the problem with one of the suggestions shown.
Eclipse Shortcuts 15: Alt + Shift + T
Use this shortcut to open the quick refactoring menu.
Eclipse Shortcuts 16: Ctrl + Shift + T
Use this shortcut to open/search for types.
Eclipse Shortcuts 17: Ctrl + Q
Position the cursor back at the last changed location in the editor.
Eclipse Shortcuts 18: Alt + Shift + N
Use this shortcut to open up create menu and directly choose a new class/project.
Eclipse Shortcuts 19: F4 while selecting variable
Use this shortcut to view type hierarchy.
Eclipse Shortcuts 20: Ctrl + 2, L or F
Using this shortcut you can assign a statement / expression to a new local variable or field.
Hope you have found this all Eclipse Shortcuts useful for your coding purposes.
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