1. Write a C program to print “hai how are you”.
2. Write a C program to print Leave Letter.
3. Write a C program to print names of students in a class line by line.


1. Write a C program to illustrate use of INT data types.
2. Write a C program to illustrate use of FLOAT data types.
3. Write a C program to illustrate use of DOUBLE data types.
4. Write a C program to illustrate use of CHAR data types.
5. Write a C program to declare and initialize a variable.


1. Write a C Program on arithmetic operators.
2. Write a C Program on logical operators.
3. Write a C Program on relational operators.
4. Write a C Program on conditional operators.
5. Write a C Program on assignment operators.
6. Write a C Program on increment & decrement operators.
7. Write a C Program on bitwise operators.
8. Write a C Program on special operators.
9. Write a C Program on operators by using different data types.
10. Write a C Program on expression evaluation (BODMAS).
11. Write a C program to calculate Current Bill.
12. Write a C program to calculate total average.
13. Write a C program to calculate SI (simple interest).
14. Write a C program to calculate area of circle, rectangle, triangle, square etc. 
15. Write a C Program to calculate roots of quadratic equation.
16. Write a C program to sort given two numbers using third variable.
17. Write a C program to find given year is leap year or not.
18. Write a C program to find biggest of given three numbers.
19. Write a C program to find second biggest of given three numbers.


1. Write a C program on simple IF.
2. Write a C program on IF ELSE.
3. Write a C program on NESTED IF.
4. Write a C program on simple IF ELSE LADDER.
5. Write a C program on GOTO.
6. Write a C program on CONDITIONAL OPERATOR.
7. Write a C program on SWITCH.
8. Write a C program to check the person eligible for voting or not.
9. Write a C program to give grade according to given percentage.
10. Write a C program to check whether given letter is vowel or consonant (IF).
11. Write a C program to check whether given letter is vowel or consonant (SWITCH).
12. Write a C program to check + ve or –ve number.
13. Write a C program to check even or odd.
14. Write a C program to check prime or not.
15. Write a C program to prepare calculator application.
16. Write a C program to prepare area application.


1. Write a C program to illustrate use of FOR loop.
2. Write a C program to illustrate use of WHILE loop.
3. Write a C program to illustrate use of DOWHILE loop.
4. Write a C program to illustrate difference between WHILE & DOWHILE.
5. Write a C program to find factorial of given number.
6. Write a C program to find prime numbers between 1-100.
7. Write a C program to find given number is Armstrong number or not.
8. Write a C program to find given number is strong number or not.
9. Write a C program to find given number is perfect number or not.
10. Write a C program to find reverse of a given number.
11. Write a C program to find given number is palindrome or not.
12. Write a C program to print Fibonacci series up to given number.
13. Write a C program to print even numbers between 1-100.
14. Write a C program to print odd numbers between 1-100.


1. Write a C program to illustrate usage of arrays.
2. Write a C program to declare and initialize one dimensional array.
3. Write a C program to declare and initialize one dimensional array (int.float.char.double).
4. Write a C program to initialize and print elements in array.
5. Write a C program to initialize and print elements in array in reverse order.
6. Write a C program to find an element in array.
7. Write a C program to sort given elements in an array in ascending order.
8. Write a C program to sort given elements in an array in descending order.
9. Write a C program to declare and initialize two dimensional arrays.
10. Write a C program to perform matrix addition.
11. Write a C program to perform matrix multiplication.
12. Write a C program to illustrate usage of string array.
13. Write a C program to illustrate usage of gets() puts().
14. Write a C program to illustrate usage of all string handling functions.
15. Write a C program to check string palindrome or not.


1. Write a C program to illustrate usage of user defined functions.
2. No arguments no returns.
3. No arguments with returns.
4. With arguments and no returns.
5. With arguments and with returns.
6. Write a C program to illustrate usage recursion (factorial).


1. Write a C program to illustrate usage of pointers in C.


1. Write a C program to illustrate the usage of structures and unions.

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